• SEPTEMBER 2013
  • USA


Bar­bara Borow­icz start­ed learn­ing to play the clar­inet at the age of 13 in Karol Kurpińs­ki State Pri­ma­ry Mu­sic School in Poz­nań. She con­tin­ued her ed­u­ca­tion in the State Sec­ondary Mu­sic School in Poz­nań, and lat­er on at the Acade­my of Mu­sic in Kraków un­der su­per­vi­sion of pro­fes­sor An­drzej Godek in his class of clar­inet.

She has at­tend­ed nu­mer­ous mas­ter class­es con­duct­ed by out­stand­ing pro­fes­sors: Ed­uard Brun­ner, Flo­rent Heau, An­drzej Jan­ic­ki, Karel Dohnal, Jo­hannes Peitz, Joy Far­rel, Kiryll Ry­bakov, An­to­nio Saiote, Jozsef Balogh, Jorge Mon­till, Jean-­Marc Fes­sard, An­drzej Jan­ic­ki, Wo­j­ciech Mrozek.

Bar­bara Borow­icz has been a lau­re­ate of sev­er­al na­tion­al and in­ter­na­tion­al con­tests, both as a soloist and a cham­ber mu­si­cian, in­clud­ing: 8th In­ter­na­tion­al Clar­inet Com­pe­ti­tion ‘Save­rio Mer­cadante’ (I­taly), Eu­ro­pean Com­pe­ti­tion for Young Soloists (Lux­em­bourg), 14th Com­pe­ti­tion for Wood­wind In­stru­ments (Poland), 13th Meet­ing of Cham­ber En­sem­bles (Poland), 8th In­ter­na­tion­al Mu­sic Com­pe­ti­tion ‘­Da­vorin Jenko’ (Ser­bia), 9th In­ter­na­tion­al In­de­pen­dent Mu­sic Com­pe­ti­tion ‘In­di­vid­u­alis’ (Ukraine).

As a soloist and a cham­ber mu­si­cian Bar­bara has giv­en con­certs in Poland, France, Eng­land, Croa­t­ia, Slove­nia and Ger­many: e.g. ‘Ar­gen­tini­an Mu­sic – Eu­ro­pean Sim­i­lar­i­ties of the Dis­tant Con­ti­nent’ in Kraków, fourth and fifth edi­tion of Wawel Cas­tle at Dusk Fes­ti­val in Kraków, 6th Clar­inet Fes­ti­val in Kros­no, In­ter­na­tion­al Mu­sic Fes­ti­val in Gor­jan­sko, Slove­nia. Worth men­tion­ing is her par­tic­i­pa­tion in the world pre­miere of the work by An­dreas N. Tark­mann and CD record­ing of this piece at the In­ter­na­tion­al Fes­ti­val ‘Ems­büren­er Musik­tage’. In 2012 Bar­bara par­tic­i­pat­ed in the Pol­ish pre­miere of Cre­dences of sum­mer, a com­po­si­tion for vi­o­lin, clar­inet, and pi­ano by W Hek­ster. Bar­bara’s fu­ture plans in­clude the pre­miere of the work for clar­inet, pi­ano, per­cus­sion, and or­ches­tra writ­ten by Pol­ish com­pos­er Michał Jakub Pa­para.

Bar­bara Borow­icz reg­u­lar­ly per­forms with the pi­anist Anna Miernik-­Sob­u­la; to­geth­er they form SoundArt­Duo en­sem­ble, which pri­mar­i­ly fo­cus­es on play­ing the works of Pol­ish com­posers. Their duo has re­ceived sev­er­al prizes at in­ter­na­tion­al com­pe­ti­tions and has been fre­quent­ly in­vit­ed to play at var­i­ous events.

In recog­ni­tion of her artis­tic and schol­ar­ly ac­com­plish­ments Bar­bara Borow­icz has re­ceived sev­er­al awards and schol­ar­ships: a schol­ar­ship fund­ed by DAAD (The Ger­man Aca­dem­ic Ex­change Ser­vice), an award for out­stand­ing artis­tic achieve­ments grant­ed by the Min­is­ter of Cul­ture and Na­tion­al Her­itage, a schol­ar­ship fund­ed by the Min­is­ter of Sci­ence, a schol­ar­ship fund­ed by the Min­is­ter Cul­ture and Na­tion­al Her­itage for out­stand­ing schol­ar­ly achieve­ments, a schol­ar­ship for gift­ed stu­dents fund­ed by the Roy­al City of Kraków. She has also re­ceived artis­tic schol­ar­ship from the City of Poz­nań, Sapere Auso schol­ar­ship grant­ed by Małopol­s­ka Schol­ar­ship Foun­da­tion (2012/2013) and a schol­ar­ship “Mło­da Pol­s­ka” (‘Y­oung Poland’) from the Min­is­ter of Cul­ture.

For more information please visit www.soundartduo.com