• SEPTEMBER 2013
  • USA


Anna Mier­nik-So­bu­la has re­ce­ived her Ba­che­lo­r’s de­gree from the Aca­de­my of Mu­sic in Kra­ków (Po­land), whe­re she works as an ac­com­pa­nist. She con­ti­nu­es her stu­dies to ob­ta­in her Ma­ste­r’s de­gree in the pia­no class of pro­fes­sor An­drzej Pi­kul from this uni­ver­si­ty. Be­fo­re that she stu­died in pia­no class un­der tu­ition of pro­fes­sor Sła­wo­mir Zu­brzyc­ki.

Anna Mier­nik-So­bu­la has won se­ve­ral top pri­zes in in­ter­na­tio­nal com­pe­ti­tions, as a so­lo­ist, cham­ber mu­si­cian and ac­com­pa­nist, in­c­lu­ding con­te­sts in e.g. Lu­xem­bo­urg (Lu­xem­bo­urg), Tre­vi­so, Tau­ri­sa­no (I­ta­ly), Kra­ków, War­sa­w/Lo­mian­ki, Ja­wor (Po­land), Bel­gra­de (Ser­bia), Lvov (U­kra­ine), Stan­jel (Slo­ve­nia), Anyk­sciai (Li­thu­ania).

The pia­nist gave a con­cert in the Phil­har­mo­nic Con­cert Hall in Kra­ków with the Sym­pho­nic Or­che­stra of Aca­de­my of Mu­sic, con­duc­ted by P. Przy­toc­ki. She also play­ed with the or­che­stra of the Rze­szów Phil­har­mo­nic, con­duc­ted by P. Wi­jat­kow­ski du­ring the Prin­ce Ogiń­ski In­ter­na­tio­nal Fe­sti­val in Iwo­nicz. The­se con­certs were the events of the Cho­pin Year ce­le­bra­tions.

Anna has also per­for­med in the Roy­al Ca­stle in War­saw, the Cho­pin Mu­seum in War­saw and Że­la­zo­wa Wola (pla­ce of Cho­pi­n’s birth), The Crown Tri­bu­nal in Lu­blin, The Sło­wac­ki The­atre in Kra­ków, The Mang­gha Cen­tre of Ja­pa­ne­se Art and Tech­no­lo­gy in Kra­ków, The Con­su­la­te Ge­ne­ral of Au­stria in Kra­ków and in other ve­nu­es in Kry­ni­ca, Ska­wi­na, Ką­śna Dol­na, Ryb­na, Gor­jan­sko (Slo­ve­nia). In 2010 she was a ju­ror in a com­pe­ti­tion on the life of Cho­pin for se­con­da­ry scho­ol stu­dents in Iwo­nicz. This event clo­sed with An­na­’s re­ci­tal of Cho­pi­n’s mu­sic.

She plays as a so­lo­ist, cham­ber mu­si­cian and a mem­ber of an or­che­stra. In 2012 she per­for­med a pie­ce com­po­sed by W Hek­ster Cre­den­ces of sum­mer for vio­lin, cla­ri­net and pia­no, which was the Po­lish pre­mie­re of the work. Anna has made se­ve­ral re­cor­dings for Po­lish Ra­dio Pro­gram­me 2, and Po­lish Ra­dio Rze­szów.

To de­ve­lop her skills she has par­ti­ci­pa­ted in ma­ster clas­ses tau­ght by re­now­ned pro­fes­sors: P. Ba­du­ra­-Sko­da, D. Yof­fe, G. Na­dor, C. Ce­bro, B. Ca­ni­no, K. Po­po­wa­-Zy­droń, G. Vel­lu­ti, R. Rus­so, M. Aust, O Ra­pi­ta, D. Pe­tro­va, M. Szcze­pań­ski, M Moś, M. Rzep­ka, T. Gra­nat. Anna Mier­ni­k-So­bu­la re­gu­lar­ly per­forms with the cla­ri­ne­tist Bar­ba­ra Bo­ro­wicz; to­ge­ther they form So­un­dArt­Duo en­sem­ble, which pri­ma­ri­ly fo­cu­ses on play­ing the works of Po­lish com­po­sers. The­ir duo has re­ce­ived se­ve­ral pri­zes at in­ter­na­tio­nal com­pe­ti­tions and has been fre­qu­en­tly in­vi­ted to play at va­rio­us events.

An­na­’s fu­tu­re plans in­c­lu­de se­ve­ral world pre­mie­res of new com­po­si­tions e.g. the work for pia­no, cla­ri­net and per­cus­sion with an or­che­stra, writ­ten by a Po­lish com­po­ser Mi­chał Ja­kub Pa­pa­ra.

In re­co­gni­tion of her ar­ti­stic and scho­lar­ly ac­com­pli­sh­ments Anna Mier­nik-So­bu­la has been awar­ded scho­lar­ships by the Mi­ni­ster of Cul­tu­re and Na­tio­nal He­ri­ta­ge, The Mu­ni­ci­pa­li­ty of the Roy­al City of Kra­ków, Sa­pe­re Auso Ma­ło­pol­ska Scho­lar­ship Fo­un­da­tion, the Mi­ni­ster of Scien­ce and Hi­gher Edu­ca­tion and the Rec­tor of the Aca­de­my of Mu­sic in Cra­cow.

For more information please visit www.soundartduo.com