• SEPTEMBER 2013
  • USA


Born in Poland, she re­al­izes her stud­ies of the vi­o­lon­cel­lo in Ger­many with David Grigo­ri­an and Gus­tav Riv­inius, ob­tain­ing the Konz­er­tex­a­m­en post­de­gree.

She has been part of nu­mer­ous mas­ter­clases with Daniel Shafran, An­ner Bi­jls­ma, Mar­tin Love, Siegfried Palm, Gus­tav Riv­inius as also of the in­ter­na­tion­al course of cham­ber mu­sic with Wal­ter Levin (La Salle Quar­tet), Thomas Kakus­ka (Al­ban Berg Quar­tet), Ed­uard Brun­ner, Rolf-Di­eter Arens and mem­bers of Pele­gri­ni Quar­tet.

She par­tic­i­pat­ed al soloist and cham­ber mu­si­cian in sev­er­al In­ter­na­tion­al Fes­ti­vals in Eu­ropa and South Amer­i­ca.

At the mo­ment been in Chile Katha­ri­na Paslaws­ki is the prin­ci­pal Cel­lo of the Phil­har­mon­ic Or­ches­tra of Teatro Mu­nic­i­pal in San­ti­a­go de Chile and mem­ber of En­sam­ble Fi­lar­móni­co de San­ti­a­go.

She col­lab­o­rat­ed with promi­nent artists, such as Ga­bor Ötvös, Mau­r­izio Beni­ni, Rober­to Rizzi-Brig­no­li, Dmitri Yurovs­ki, Al­ber­to Hold-­Gar­ri­do, Grant Ger­shon, Placido Domin­go, Renée Flem­ing, Kon­stantin Chu­dowsky and José Luis Dominguez.

As a mem­ber of the cham­ber mu­sic group En­sam­ble Fi­lar­móni­co of San­ti­a­go she plays con­certs with Edith Fis­ch­er, Luis Al­ber­to La­torre, Li­onel Par­ty, Eve­lyn Ramirez among oth­ers.