• SEPTEMBER 2013
  • USA


Wo­j­ciech S. Wocław – pro­fes­sion­al com­père, writ­er, jour­nal­ist, or­ga­niz­er of cul­tur­al events; he also runs train­ings on rules of cor­rect be­haviour in so­cial sit­u­a­tions and eti­quette in busi­ness.

Born in Sile­sia. Af­ter at­tend­ing his sec­ondary school in Tarnowskie Góry, he grad­u­at­ed with hon­ours from the De­part­ment of Pol­ish Philol­o­gy at the Jagiel­loni­an Uni­ver­si­ty. Two of his books were al­ready pub­lished: ’­Pamięt­nik […] wsi’ (The Di­ary of […] vil­lage) in 2008 and ‘Bez­dom­ni’ (The Home­less) in 2010. The next two (a nov­el and a book of po­ems) are due soon. His prose, po­et­ry and crit­i­cal re­views of lit­er­a­ture were pub­lished in spe­cial­ist press and mag­a­zines, in­clud­ing Ex­pres­sions, pub­lished in Lon­don. He co-or­ga­nized a lit­er­ary sym­po­sium at the Jagiel­loni­an Uni­ver­si­ty de­vot­ed to the mem­o­ry of a promi­nent Pol­ish writ­er Józef Wit­tlin. (The stages in Józef Wit­tlin’s life, on the 115th an­niver­sary of his birth, 30th an­niver­sary of the pub­li­ca­tion of his book ‘Sól zie­mi’’ and 30th an­niver­sary of his death). He co-pub­lished with pro­fes­sor Wo­j­ciech Ligęza a col­lec­tion of stud­ies on Józef Wit­tlin’s life and works. He has re­ceived a dis­tinc­tion prize grant­ed by “The Archives of Em­i­gra­tion” jour­nal (The Nico­laus Coper­ni­cus Uni­ver­si­ty in Toruń). He col­lab­o­rates with the Cra­cow di­vi­sion of the Pol.­ish Writ­ers’ As­so­ci­a­tion.

He has been the mas­ter of cer­e­monies at hun­dreds of cul­tur­al and com­mer­cial events, in­clud­ing con­certs, ban­quets, galas, fash­ion shows, team-build­ing ac­tiv­i­ties, dis­cus­sion pan­els, con­fer­ences, and com­pe­ti­tions. He has been the host at na­tion­al and in­ter­na­tion­al events, that were or­ga­nized by Danone, Henkel, Hewlett Packard, Mi­crosoft, Ne­tia, PG­NiG, Philip Mor­ris, The Jagiel­loni­an Uni­ver­si­ty, War­saw Town Hall. He has an­nounced ap­pear­ance on stage of such artists as Walde­mar Mal­ic­ki, Adam Zdunikows­ki, Vi­en­na Soloists Or­ches­tra, Roy­al String Quar­tet and pi­anists dur­ing in­ter­na­tion­al pi­ano con­certs (2011, 2012): Leono­ra Armelli­ni, Cinzia Bar­toli, Tulio For­len­za, Ra­timir Mar­ti­nović, Bal­azs Reti, Ed­uard Stan, and Daniel Wu. Wo­j­ciech S. Wocław lives in Cra­cow.

For more information please visit www.wojciechswoclaw.pl