The pri­ma­ry ob­jec­tive of the pro­ject is to pre­sent Pol­ish mu­sic abroad. We want to reach both the Pol­ish di­as­po­ra, and the lo­cal cit­i­zens of the coun­tries we are go­ing to vis­it. The mu­sic we are go­ing to pre­sent is a part of the world her­itage, as it was com­posed by the most promi­nent com­posers in his­to­ry.

The con­cert pro­grams in­clude the names of the best known com­posers, as well as those known only to small cir­cles of mu­sic con­nois­seurs. We are go­ing to play the works whose ori­gins go back to the 19th and 20th cen­tu­ry, but also the mu­sic which has been com­posed over the last 20 years. Our reper­toire in­cludes mu­sic writ­ten by Fry­deryk Chopin, Witold Lu­tosławs­ki, Ig­na­cy Jan Paderews­ki, Karol Szy­manows­ki, Krzysztof Pen­derec­ki, Graży­na Bacewicz, and also com­po­si­tions of Fe­liks Do­brzyńs­ki, An­toni Sza­łows­ki, Mar­cel Chyrzyńs­ki, Zbig­niew A. Lam­part, Janusz Bi­elec­ki, Martyna Kosecka, and Michał Jakub Pa­para.

The au­di­ences in some cities we are go­ing to tour will have a chance to lis­ten to pre­miere per­for­mances of se­lect­ed works. But it is not only the mu­sic which makes this pro­ject ex­traor­di­nary. The most tal­ent­ed young mu­si­cians will be able to par­tic­i­pate in mu­sic work­shops; oth­er mem­bers of the au­di­ence can take part in pan­el dis­cus­sions. They will pro­vide a good op­por­tu­ni­ty to talk about Poland and Poles.

At our con­certs the mas­ter of cer­e­monies will brief the au­di­ence on bi­o­graph­i­cal de­tails of com­posers and will in­tro­duce the artists. Pol­ish Mu­sic Days is a mod­ern pro­ject, which com­bines mu­sic and the spo­ken word. In this way we have man­aged to cre­ate some­thing unique.